
January 4th

New Feature - Lender Alerts
Lenders can now set alerts to notify your team in case of closures or other issues. Lenders can create these alerts to show for a period of time, or toggle on and off as they see fit.

November 17th

A new transactions page displays the funded applications with the fees and net amount

August 14th

  • Set a Lender as NoGo
  • Ability to filter the merchants list

July 18th

  • New 'no available lenders' message, for when a homeowner is not matched with any lenders.

July 6th

  • We've added misc. bug fixes and performance improvements.

June 26

  • Prequalifications will now show the lender's ID on the application detail page:

June 7th

  • Minor layout fixes
  • Updates to lender status change
  • Optimized Greensky's cron job
  • Added Porch to the List of Services

May 18th

  • We fixed an issue with Experian prequal checks failing after a period of time.
  • You can now remove team members from a Merchant's team using the api.

May 17th

  • Members of properties and partners can now switch between those two roles.
  • The merchant app ID will now be displayed on the application detail page.
  • Property admins can now set custom FROM email domains.
  • Fixed an issue where inactive merchants could login.
  • Fixed an issue where applicants could visit inactive merchants prequalification form.
  • Fixed an issue getting credit scores from Experian for applicants with special characters or spaces in their name.
  • Miscellaneous performance fixes.

May 9th

Property Settings